New Brainwave Music series from David & Steve Gordon's
Binaural Beats Research

Each of the 6 albums in the Binaural Beats Brainwave Music series are currently available to stream or download on your favorite music series such as Apple Music, Amazon and Spotify.

Listen and stream all these albums now by clicking the Amazon, Spotify or Apple Music logos below. If you have Amazon Prime but not Amazon Music Unlimited, log out from you Amazon account before clicking on the Amazon logo.

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Make sure to FOLLOW and SHARE the artist Binaural Beats Research on your music service!

You can stream all Binaural Beats Research albums by David & Steve Gordon on your favorite music service by clicking on the logos above.

After 2 years of research and production, David & Steve Gordon's new Binaural Beats series of music is now available to stream on all major music services.

The Gordon's collaborated with Richard Merrill, research director of Songrest, one of the leading experts in the field of brainwave research. They teamed up to create the most advanced and effective binaural beats music possible.

David & Steve Gordon are using the artist name Binaural Beats Research for this series.

Their new series of Binaural Beats music also includes Isochronic tones in a new way which makes the use of headphone optional. For the first time you can enjoy the the powerful life-changing effect of the binaural beats without the need of headphones. This is a new breakthrough in brainwave music is only available in this new series from David & Steve Gordon's Binaural Beats Research.

To learn about what Binaural Beats are and what they are all about, read this new article:
How Binaural Beats Music Works - Why David & Steve Gordon’s New Brainwave Music Series
is a Breakthrough.

Delta Waves Sleep Binaural Beats & Isochronic Tones Music & Nature Sounds
For sleep, overcoming insomnia, deep-level meditation, lucid dreaming and immune system wellness.

Over 3 Hours of Theta Waves Meditation Binaural Beats & Isochronic Tones Music & Nature Sounds
For meditation, deep relaxation, drowsiness, anxiety reduction, extra-sensory perception, emotional healing, overcoming addictions and enhancing creativity.

Theta Waves Zen Meditation Binaural Beats & Isochronic Tones Music & Nature Sounds
For meditation, contemplation, falling asleep, mindfulness and inner peace.

Alpha Waves Relaxation Binaural Beats & Isochronic Tones Music & Nature Sounds
For relaxation, stress reduction, light meditation, mood elevation, quieting the mind and mindfulness.

Over 3 Hours of Beta Waves Total Focus & Concentration Binaural Beats & Isochronic Tones Music & Nature Sounds
For focus, concentration, active analytical and executive thinking, energy, visualization, problem solving and overall mental performance.

Over 2 Hours of Gamma Waves Study & Memory Binaural Beats & Isochronic Tones Music & Nature Sounds
For study, memory enhancement, exam preparation, quick learning, chakra balancing, kundalini activation, new innovative thinking

Listen and stream all these albums now by clicking the Amazon, Spotify or Apple Music logos below. If you have Amazon Prime but not Amazon Music Unlimited, log out from you Amazon account before clicking on the Amazon logo.

Amazon Apple Music Spotify

Make sure to FOLLOW and SHARE the artist Binaural Beats Research on your music service!

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